It's Actually Happening!

It's happening! It’s actually happening! Here I am writing a post for my YASC blog.  Somehow this adds a new element of reality to it all.  As of today I have known my placement for a week.  For those of you I haven't had the pleasure of telling yet, I will be spending the upcoming year in Liverpool, England working with the Liverpool Cathedral and Liverpool Parish Church.  That's just about all I know right now but I still could not be more excited to go and serve!
I spend so much time stressing out about not knowing but now I realize that the timing could not have been better.  I have been at the beach with my family for the past few days and having this time to fully process what this means has been a blessing.  I’ve been able to sit down and reflect on how I feel about what is coming, and then sit down a day later and think about it again with a new perspective.  There is this odd mixture of calm, excitement, and fear that I have been living in for the past month and finding the words to describe it has not been easy.  I know that what I am doing is the right thing for me and what I am called to do; but that doesn't make it any less difficult.  I will be leaving my comfort zone on another continent! I mean who does that?!?! Oh wait, I will!
I will go back to New York for two weeks of training soon and will hopefully know more about my placement and departure then.  If you are reading this, and want to stay updated please subscribe! Also I would love to know if you are joining me through prayer or donations so that I can say thank you and pray for you as well.  All the information about donations can be found to the right of the page.  Again, I am so excited about this journey that I am about to go on and can't wait to see where it takes us!


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